We’re so pleased that...

… you’ve reached this point here with us now. This has the potential to be a HUGELY significant moment in your life, and we’re so pleased that you are showing up for YOU.

As you read through all the information below, keep at the forefront of your mind that you've come to this point for a reason. For many of our students they quote "I was drawn, it just felt right". That's what we're looking for to know we're a fit. But be careful not to confuse your heart leading you with your head. Your mind will get busy contracting, giving you all the reasons you shouldn't step in for yourself and your horse. Instead of following those thoughts, notice them. Smile at those thoughts. Know that these thoughts are your patterns, your go-to. You've got years of conditioning. Notice the thoughts, then open your mind and allow your heart to lead you.

Your Horse Life is in your hands :-)

You’re at the doorway of transformation for life.

Are you ready to transform your horse life?

But first, something important



We want to be really open and transparent with you - at Ribbleton, we’ve recently made a huge shift towards what we offer students who want to continue studying with us.

We’ve thought about the kind of learning experience that will be the most empowering for you…

After all, what we teach is to empower horses. What we want humans to feel is exactly the same!

Empowered?! What does that mean?

It means having the freedom and power to take control of what you want.

The truth is, we can’t empower you. You’ve got to claim it for yourself.

Are you ready to claim it?

What’s it like to study with Ribbleton?

Straight from our students' mouths…



Now take a moment... tap into your heart space... and ask yourself honestly - is this for me? Do I want what these ladies have? Am I excited and inspired by their shares?

YES! - Please, keep reading... 

I’M NOT SURE - Keep reading. There’s more information to help with your decision below. 

NO - This isn’t resonating with me at all. No worries - if this isn’t feeling like the path forward for you, it’s best to exit this page now.

If you’re wondering, ‘Can I afford it?’


This is an investment in you - the ripple effect starts with how you feel, but it doesn’t end with how your horse feels. As you’ve already touched on in the Connection Course, all of your relationships will blossom. We want this for you, but the decision is yours to make.


Here’s what we’ve created - the choice is yours, the decision is yours, and enrolling in the next step is 100% up to you - all we ask is that you read carefully what we’ve shared with you below, carefully consider how it feels - not in your mind, but from your heart - and make that decision accordingly, from the heart space.


You have:

βœ”οΈ Complete control over the decision to sign up for our program

βœ”οΈ Choice over the pricing commitment that best suits you

βœ”οΈ The ability to cancel your subscription YOURSELF any time you’d like*

 *You will lose access to the course + coaching when you cease your subscription


Living the Horse with Ribbleton - an immersion that will change your relationship with yourself as well as your horse πŸ’—


Together let’s create a vision of the Horse Life you want to lead...


First, take a moment to think about the ‘problem’ you have with your horse that led you to Ribbleton.

Was it that your horse that nips, bites, or is gnarly just ‘mouthy’?

Perhaps your horse is uninterested, stubborn, lazy, uninspired, and doesn’t want to move (or stop eating the grass!)?

For some, it’s a deep fear - maybe not of their horse so much, but more of what could happen if things become out of control!

Maybe you have a horse that you just can’t figure out, even though you’re an experienced horse person who’s had successful, fulfilling relationships with many other horses in your past.

Or something else? 


Now, imagine the opposite of that problem…

For example, if you have a horse that is pushy, bitey, or nippy, what you dream of is a horse that holds self-composure and control. A thinking horse that is aware of your personal space and its own. One that communicates gently and respectfully. How does that sound?

If it’s fear that’s ruling your life, then we can only imagine that what you yearn for is a strong feeling of confidence and ease. Whether you dream of getting back in the saddle (literally or figuratively) without worrying about the past or future and with a calm feeling of peace and assurance that you and your horse have a mutual trust?

If your horse is the horse that’s more interested in grass, their friends, or simply just doing their own thing rather than what you have to offer, maybe you’re envisioning a horse that pricks their ears up and has a twinkle in their eye when you approach (even without treats in your pocket!). One that seems curious to engage with you, one that wants to try what you suggest, who moves around you with purpose and grace?

What would it be like to feel 100% sure you’re on the right path, 100% sure you understand what your horse is trying to tell you, and 100% sure that no matter what happens that day, you’ll know what to do?


This is what life is all about, read the statement below, and consider if this sounds like something you want for yourself...

“I know that it’s the inner work that will transform how I feel about myself and how I lead myself, in turn bringing confidence and purpose to my life.”


Does this statement resonate in your heart space?

We believe that…

Transforming your relationship with yourself = Living in Happiness.
When you take this version of you to your horse - Voila! The way they respond to you will change too.

This is how you create sustainable change and find mutual fulfillment with your horse in every moment together. Living the Horse means immersing yourself in your relationship.
Transforming your relationship with your horse = Living the Horse.
You ARE enough. You’re NOT alone! It all starts with you!


Living the Horse. Living in Happiness.

Learn how to allow your intuition and your horse to guide you on how to connect and how to enjoy your time together. We'll teach you how to:

  • Shift your life patterns with Personalised Practices that make your relationship with yourself feel GOOD!
  • Understand & communicate with your horse by finding an important, inspiring presence that sparks curiosity in your horse.
  • Bring your beliefs - about how to treat yourself & others (including your horse) - into alignment. Yes - you can be kind but important. You can be a leader who also listens. You and your horse both get a voice in your training.

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before πŸ’—




βœ”οΈ In each Class you'll step into a deep dive of your mind and how it affects every aspect of your life.  

βœ”οΈ Mindset classes include:

βœ”οΈ Heart Based Leadership

βœ”οΈ The Mindful Safe Human,

βœ”οΈ to Our Intuition and many more 

βœ”οΈ Plus a Weekly personalised Living in Happiness Mindset Practice


βœ”οΈ An educational and practical deep dive on horse:human communication, classes to teach you both the foundations through to next level topics such as ‘Learning to Speak Horse', ‘The Adventure Walk’, ‘Liberty’ (and yes - if you want to ride in Attunement we’ll guide you through what you need to know)

βœ”οΈ Weekly instructional Living the Horse practice 


βœ”οΈ Our Discover Classes are probably what you’re looking forward to the most. It’s the ‘how’ - and we’ll show you what it is you need to do differently to help your horse respond in the way you’re working towards.

βœ”οΈ And yes, there are LOTS of videos of Paulette and other students working with their horses.

βœ”οΈ It’s not difficult, but it does require re-educating yourself from traditional ways of being around horses, and we’ll explore every facet with you.



βœ”οΈ This is where we’ll give you guided, step-by-step instructions for new activities and interactions with your horse.

βœ”οΈ You’ll not only get a printout, but we’ll explain them to you in a voice recording you can re-listen to on your way out to see your horse if you want to. Don’t forget, though - we don’t teach methods which means both you and your horse will be able to create your own unique style.

βœ”οΈ What we’re teaching you is how to be the one and only trainer for your horse because their best trainer is you, and you are unique.


βœ”οΈ It’s important to contemplate your learnings before you move on to the next class and we’ll guide you in the process.

βœ”οΈ What you’ll LOVE about the Evaluate Lessons is the personalised Mindset Practice you’ll receive at the end. Yes - your homework is guided by YOU and how you’re FEELING. Sounds intriguing, right?! You’ll love this component.


βœ”οΈ PLUS, you can add on a personalised Video Review whenever you’d like!

YOUR Living The Horse  subscription includes...


βœ”οΈ Access to one Class each week (take this at your own pace).

βœ”οΈ Each Class contains multiple lessons - Discovering new learning & techniques, Practising new ideas with your Horse, and Evaluating how you feel at the end of the week to get clarity on your next step.

No, it’s not just theory! You'll be doing plenty of practice too with... 

βœ”οΈ Horse Practices &

βœ”οΈ Mindset Practices


A sneak peak at the Classes


  1. The Diagnosis
  2. Heart-Based Leadership
  3. Learning To Speak Horse: An Overview Part 1
  4. Learning To Speak Horse: An Overview Part 2
  5. Learning To Speak Horse: An Overview Part 3
  6. The Mindful (Safe) Human
  7. The Mindful (Safe) Horse
  8. Creating A Curious Horse
  9.  What, When & How Much? (Training, that is)
  10. The Self-Aware Human 1
  11. The Self-Aware Human 2
  12. The Self-Aware Human 3
  13. Deep Listening
  14. Deep Speaking
  15. The Check-In with our Horse 1
  16. The Check-In with our Horse 2
  17. The Intuitive Human 1
  18. The Flow of Conversation  - Positions
  19. The Flow of Conversation - Adventure Walk
  20. The Flow of Conversation - Riding 
  21. The Flow Of Conversation - Liberty
  22. Our Presence - The Human
  23. The Liberty Basics - Special 1
  24. The Liberty Basics - Special 2
  25. A Future of Possibility

We want you & your horse to be celebrating like our students are!

"I’m celebrating that this program is giving me the incentive to learn a new way to open up communications with my horse. It inspires me to add freedom and laughter into our sessions.


"Celebrating how much fun I am having with all my horses and how they are all so responsive and communicative now that they know I am listening. I am learning to embrace their answers with no judgment and usually they are willing to engage more just because I listen to them. In other words their nos become yeses. A much better relationship when they know they have a say. Thank you Paulette and the Ribbleton Attunement team! You all rock!!!!! "


Living The Horse Course

Subscribe to the Living The Horse GOLD PLUS

and receive a BONUS 6 months in the course.

This is a one-time limited offer. Don't miss out.

That's HUGE!!



for a 6 month subscription

PLUS your HUGE BONUS of 6 extra months for FREE!

(that's 12 months for the price of 6)

  • 2-Week Free Trial Period
  • Access to the full library of 25 Classes - 1 per week
  • PrintableΒ workbooks
  • BONUS -Β an extra 6 months valued at $6000



If you aren’t completely satisfied with your Living The Horse Online Course, simply log into your account and cancel on the spot before your payment is made on day 14.

You're in complete control of your subscription! No questions asked.


β€œWhat’s a Video Review?”

A Video Review is your opportunity to get personalised guidance from Ribbleton on your relationship and training sessions with your horse!Β 

What you do: Send us a 5-minute video of you and your horse practicing what you’re learning in the course.

What we do: Email a written review with specific guidance on your personal strengths as a horse trainer and easy to understand and implement key Next Steps to develop how you communicate and train with your horse.Β 

Your relationship is unique, so our coaching is specific to what we see!

A Video Review really is GOLD! You’ll love them.Β 


Video Reviews - a glimpse…

Kim & Dakota - from blocked & anxious to connection & unity. Kim chose weekly video reviews.

The beginning

From the Ribbleton Coaches…

“This is the kind of body language we often see from horses who can’t cope because of their past training. It’s difficult for them to connect. Kim needed support approaching Dakota with deep Empathy and understanding, then learning how to step into Heart Based leadership so she could learn how to balance helping Dakokta feel good about expressing himself with learning how to create conversations that are motivating and based on understanding. Kim’s strengths are beautiful moments of stillness and connection to self, which we coached her to better harness so that she could invite Dakota into this space.”

The transformation

From the Ribbleton Coaches…

“In this photo (a still image from Kim’s Video Review), we see a wonderful example of the mirror effect when you’re on the path to really understanding your horse! Kim and Dakota are experiencing moments of unity in their relationship - reflected in the way they move together too. It was Kim's dedicated way of bringing confidence and purpose to her own body and listening to understand Dakota’s communications that led her to this place of harmony in their conversations. How she actually created these conversations (what she said, how she moved, what she thought) - we start to explore in class 3 - “Learning to Speak Horse: Creating a Conversation”. Here they’re on an Adventure Walk - a unique Ribbleton activity you’ll learn all about in the course as well!”


From the Ribbleton Coaches…

“Liberty isn’t just about removing the tack, it’s about true connection and freedom of the mind. How this is explored with different horses will depend on their past training as well as the way you're guiding them. When your horse chooses to be with you because it feels good in their minds, because you’re easy to be with, and because what you ask of them is intrinsically motivating, then your training becomes next level. We loved watching Kim & Dakota find a sense of freedom and ease in their liberty session. Notice that Dakota is moving with presence and flow? It’s beautiful to watch, and it was a pleasure to coach Kim on how to follow Dakota’s feelings rather than traditional, task focussed liberty (which doesn’t consider true liberty - that is, freedom of expression -at all!)”

Our students are loving Living the Horse


I am celebrating a much calmer me! The time spent with my horses is stress-free. So grateful I made the decision to try something new and start the journey of understanding and learning a whole new horse world! I read the sentence

"Birdie knows you are listening to understand" in my review. This is what I always tried to accomplish. His thank you is licking my hands more often which he never did and he finally nickers


To the Ribbleton Team

Thank you so much for putting together this course. I love how it has taught me a new way of being with my boy, Luigi. He is starting to let go of some of his tension and is becoming more relaxed and soft. I see more and more of his sweet nature shining through.

When my son was young, he used to enjoy joking and poking fun at people. He went a little overboard with it, however. Finally, I told him, “I know you are joking, and it makes me laugh, but it still makes me feel a little sad, too.” Right away, he stopped the put-downs and started praising me instead. He praised me for this, and he praised me for that . . .  Again, I laughed because I knew he was joking, but it also made me feel good.


Paulette, you are a master at using your kind, gracious words to encourage and edify your students. You have set the tone for this group. It is a positive, supportive, kind group of ladies. It has been so enjoyable meeting all the ladies from around the world and sharing this horse dream and journey with them.