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What if  everything you’ve been told in the past about how to train your horse is actually diminishing them?

What if, instead, you could empower your horse's potential?

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Ribbleton's Founder Paulette Clark shares...

I started Ribbleton 30 years ago and specialise as a life coach, horse trainer & behaviorist. With my team of amazing coaches, we're on a mission to help you see the truth about what is really happening in your relationship with your horse. Because here's the thing - without the truth - you're never going to create the connection you desire. I'm talking about a connection that doesn't need gimmicks, that doesn't need treats, and that doesn't need pressure & release. Yep, WOW, I know. If only I knew this as a child. Instead, imagine a real connection, one that comes from the heart space. A connection that leaves you feeling so satisfied you're smiling peacefully. We specialize in teaching horse lovers online worldwide how to build a lifelong, satisfying relationship with a happy, confident horse that is eager to learn with you. And the major bonus.. the changes in you, personally, will blow your mind x


Where do I begin? My horse Einstein “E” developed laminitis July 2020. I was at a loss. I knew in my heart that something had to change. One day I was scrolling through FB and a video popped up. I thought to myself, what do I have to lose? Well, the thing that I heard was: Your horse is expressing how it feels to be with you.
My heart sank. The pinned ears, the scrunched nose, the throwing head, the balking, and no desire to be with me — That was E screaming at me to change.
I made the leap and joined the online course. This is not just a horse course, it’s a human course. My life and relationships are now fulfilled with love in between and harmony. 



I was on a search for answers for my horse and me, and started getting emails from you. I don’t remember the exact content, but I do know it 100% confirmed what I felt to be true with horses but wasn’t in the environment for that truth to be heard and honestly I’m not sure I had the courage to speak it at that time anyway.

Learning to listen, to work on my issues, and to simply be with my horses has changed everything, and our lives continue to evolve and deepen as a result of this work.



A video popped up on my FB feed, I’d NEVER heard anyone talk to their horses how you did: as equal beings, treating them with such respect, obvious love and dignity…I was riveted and captivated and have never looked back.



My life-changing moment watching Paulette and Foxy’s story video, just giving horses a choice, seeing the difference in their eyes, feeling their heart, and understanding these changes can impact a horse's health wellness and even body shape .. I wanted that for my boy too, I wanted that sort of relationship, connection, no force, and lots of conversations :-)



I’ve thought a lot about what lead me to Ribbleton and what spoke to me enough to commit to this program. My journey here I have said was about helping Tate, but I realize it was also about helping myself. Finding that I was no longer the confident horsewoman I had always been and that I now feared being hurt by a horse who had issues, but that in the not too distant past I would have been able to both physically & mentally work with was devastating for me. Not being confident in my ability to work with Tate is what led me to look for help from others which was failing for both of us. The Ribbleton message that I was enough and could train Tate myself was just what I needed to hear. More than that, hearing that I would learn to build connection and trust with her was HUGE for me. Everything inside me said this is the answer for you both, take a chance, so I let my heart lead me. The communication and trust I have with my horses now is incredible and all are filled with contentment and peace.