Are you ready to listen to your horse? If the Movie Trailer above appealed to you, then sign up and watch the full 57 minutes.
Creating this film has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. The process exemplifies the way we are with our horses, living in the moment and working with the opportunities that are presented to us
As I was creating the film, I remember many conversations with friends when they would ask "so what is the storyline?". My answer would be that it depends on what people have to say. My goal is to help change the world for horses and humans, so we all experience more harmony. This film follows my path of the horse and the students of the horse. You might want some tissues handy, and I encourage you to find a quiet place to watch where you won't be interrupted.
Paulette & the Ribbleton herd x

Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards WINNER

Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards - WINNER